The market cap of Vakrangee amounts to Rs.10983.47 (Cr) while the book value stands at 25.60. The P/E Ratio of the stock is recorded to be 25.59. The stock has an ADM or Average Daily Movement of 6.27. Its average volume of 20 days stands at 1129165 shares. Currently,Vakrangee share price is trading 5.88 per cent higher at Rs.219.75 on the National Stock Exchange (NSE).
Dynamic Levels analysts have identified Vakrangee as the top 500 performing stock.
Flashback on Q1, which Came Out Last Month:
The quarterly result of Vakrangee was announced on 27th August 2016. The consolidated net profit of the company hiked 39.97 per cent to Rs.121.49 cr on 30.28 per cent rise in net sales to Rs.917.52 cr in Q1 June 2016 as compared to Q1 June 2015.
The total consolidated revenue from Vakrangee Kendra business segment increased 57.6 per cent to Rs.550.6 cr in Q1 June 2016 against Q1 June 2015. The percentage share of the total revenue of Vakrangee Kendra business increased to 60.4 per cent.
The company's consolidated EBITDA rose 16.5 per cent to Rs.221.50 cr in Q1 June 2016 against Q1 June 2015.
To know more about the stock, please visit Vakrangee share price history
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