Sun TV is among the top 500 performing stocks for this quarter recommended by Dynamic Levels owing to its strong fundamentals. By strong fundamentals it is meant that the company has not incurred any losses for two quarters, debt equity did not exceed 2 and pledge is less than 25%.
The stock traded on its 52 week high value consecutively on two days: 7th and 8th at Rs. 494.00 and Rs. 498.20. The lower price band of the share is Rs. 407.35 and the upper price band is Rs. 497.85. The 52 week low of Sun TV share price is seen at Rs. 314.05 on 29th Feb ’16. The Average Daily Movement of the stock is 13.91 and its average volume for last 20 days is 1465634. The stock yields -1.32% monthly returns and has the PE ratio of19.72. The market cap of the company amounts to Rs. 17836.27 (Cr) and has a book value of Rs. 108.14.
In order to acquire further details on the support and resistance refer to Sun TV share price forecast.
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