The stock has an ADM or Average Daily Movement of 0.95.The market cap of Punj Lloyd amounts to Rs. 793.71 (Cr) while the book value stands at (-39.49). The P/E Ratio of the stock is recorded to be 0.00. Its average volume of 20 days stands at 4835993 shares. Currently, Punj Lloyd share price is trading 16.11 per cent higher at Rs.27.75 on the National Stock Exchange (NSE).
The scrip made its 52-week high of Rs.31.65 (05-Jan-16) while it made its 52-week low of Rs.17.70 (07-Jun-16). The life time high of Punj Lloyd share price stands at Rs.656.00 (09-Jan-08) on the other hand, the life time low of the stock stands at Rs.17.70 (07-Jun-16).
Punj Lloyd is construction and engineering group of India which provides services through integrated design, procurement and project management for projects in the energy and infrastructure sector.
For more information on the financials and fundamentals of the stock, kindly visit Punj Lloyd share price history. Here, you shall also find the resistance and support levels of the Punj Lloyd stock which shall aid you in taking profitable investing decisions.
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