Essel Propack share price opened at a marginal rise of 0.70% at Rs. 217 as compared to its previous closing at Rs. 214.90. Within thirty minutes after the trading session commenced, around 1,618 shares exchanged hands with a traded value of Rs. 3.49 lacs, as per NSE.
In a bid to reinforce its non-oral care business, packaging major Essel Propack on Tuesday mentioned that it has developed a laminated plastic tube 'Mystik' for packaging premium hair colorants and developers. According to M K Bannerjee, Essel Propack Global Innovation Head, Mystik presents Essel with a robust business opportunity in the non-oral care category. It is analyzed that hair colorants shows a 2.5 billion tube opportunity worldwide. He further added that with different innovations in their portfolio and a variety of innovative decoration features, they are well poised to take full advantage of Mystik and offer brands an exclusive opportunity to upgrade their packaging, thereby business continuity option. Essel Propack, part of the $2.4 billion Essel Group, holds a market share of 36 per cent in volume terms worldwide in the oral care market.
As of now, Essel Propack share price is quoting at Rs. 216.40. The upper price band of the stock is seen at Rs. 257.85 while the lower price band is at Rs. 171.95.
The 52 week high of Essel Propack share price is touched on 234.00 on 25th August, ’16. On the other hand the 52 week low value of the stock is seen at Rs. 132.00 on 20th Jan ’16. The company has a market cap amounting to Rs. 3376.11 (Cr) with a book value of Rs. 62.03.
For detailed information on the closest support and resistance level, kindly visit Essel Propack share price history.
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