In spite of the Financial Services sector performing neutrally, Signet Industries share price zoomed 10 per cent intraday on the National Stock Exchange (NSE). The stock opened at Rs.22.20 from a previous closing of Rs.21.55. As of 09:35 am, the day’s high of the stock stood at Rs.23.70 while the day’s low read at Rs.22.10. So far, the traded volume stands at 2,06,551 shares with a traded value of Rs. 48.48 lac.
Its P/E Ratios are as follows:
Standalone FY 15-16 PE Ratio | 36.44 |
Standalone Trailing PE Ratio | 39.12 |
The market cap of Signet Industries amounts to Rs. 634.37 (Cr) while the book value stands at 3.57. The one-month return percentage stands at -40.46. The average volume of 20 days of the scrip stands at 1050351 shares. The stock has an ADM or Average Daily Movement of 2.90.
Out of the 1700 Shares which are listed on the National Stock Exchange (NSE), Signet Industries is one of the top 500 Stocks, identified by Dynamic Levels Researchers and stock analysts for the current quarter. According to Dynamic Levels Research Analysts, the major support level for the stock stands at 14.50. On the other hand, its major resistance level reads at 23.80.
The stock touched 52-week high of Rs. 74.50 (29-Jan-16) while it hit 52-week low of Rs. 16.00 (19-Jul-16). The life time high of Signet Industries share price stands at Rs. 74.50 (29-Jan-16), on the other hand, the life time low of the stock stands at Rs. 8.72 (30-Mar-15). Meanwhile, Signet Industries share price was trading 9.98 per cent lower at Rs.23.70 on the National Stock Exchange (NSE) today.
To seek other information on the resistance and support levels of the scrip and also to know more about financials and fundamentals of the stock, please pay a visit to Signet Industries share price history.
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