Vardhman Textiles disclosed an over three-fold rise in its consolidated net profit for the September end quarter at Rs 454.01 crore, from Rs 137.02 crore in the year-ago period. The group's total income from operations increased to Rs 1,564.42 crore in the second quarter, from Rs 1,477.79 crore in the corresponding period of 2015. Its total expenses, however, increased slightly to Rs 1,269.83 crore during the quarter under review, from the earlier Rs 1,267.26 crore. The consolidated financial results include the results of all its subsidiaries, involving Vardhman Acrylics, VMT Spinning Co and VTL Investments. These also include the company's joint ventures and its associates.
On 15th Nov, Vardhman Textiles share price settled at Rs. 1056.55 on the national Stock Exchange, down 2 per cent from previous close. The stock was trading at Rs. 1052.50, touched the day’s high and low at Rs. 1075 and Rs.1045.20. Around 3,58,690 shares were traded in the counter with a traded value of Rs. 3,803.76 lacs, as per NSE. The average daily movement of the stock is 29.49 and the average volume for 20 days is seen at 56633.
Vardhman Textiles share price met its yearly high value at Rs. 1,159.75 on 1st Nov ’16 whereas the 52 week low value is seen at Rs. 680.00 on 20th Jan ‘16. The company has a market map of Rs. 6823.80 (Cr) and has a book value of 604.48.
Vardhman Textiles is a multibagger stock for this quarter as recognized by Dynamic Levels, based on their technical and fundamental research, it is seen to have traded in very high volumes. Multibagger stocks have a great potential to grow in the long run.
In order to know about the support and resistance levels of the scrip and also its fundamentals and financials, please a pay a visit to Vardhman Textiles share price history.
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