Page Industries, the Garments manufacturer is anticipated to report profit at Rs 73.76 crore for July-September quarter, up 22 per cent as compared with Rs 60.3 crore in year-ago period, as per average of estimates of analysts. Revenue is seen to rise 21 per cent year-on-year to Rs 559.7 crore whereas EBIDTA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation) may grow 17 per cent to Rs 118.6 crore but margin may shrink 100 basis points to 21 per cent in Q2. Volume growth can be around 17 per cent.
Analysts hope menswear/sportswear to retain revenue growth momentum of 26 per cent and anticipates womens wear segment to report a steady 21 per cent growth led by 17 per cent volume growth. Operating leverage and improved mix are hoped to drive EBITDA margin but higher cotton prices can affect margin Y-o-Y. Bangalore-based Page Industries is the exclusive licensee of Jockey International Inc (USA) for the supply, distribution and marketing of the Jockey brand in countries like India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal and the UAE. Furthermore, it is also the exclusive licensee of Speedo International for the manufacture, marketing and distribution of the Speedo brand in India.
As the trading commenced on 10th Nov, Page Industries share price opened at Rs. 16,203.30 as compared to its previous closing at Rs. 16,121.35. The scrip is trading at Rs. 16,250.10 (up by 0.80 per cent) and touched the days high and low at Rs. 16,395 and Rs. 16,116.00.
Page Industries is analyzed by Dynamic Levels as the top 500 performing stocks for this quarter among the 1700 stocks which are listed on the NSE. Page Industries is fundamentally strong and is safe for investment, as per Dynamic analysts.
In order to know about the support and resistance levels of the scrip and also its fundamentals and financials, please a pay a visit to Page Industries share price history.
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